96 research outputs found

    Students’ Perceptions on the Use of TikTok Application for Digital Storytelling as Speaking Learning Media

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    This study examined how students perceived using the less well-known and understudied TikTok application for digital storytelling in their combined learning. This research was conducted using a quantitative method. One of the Senior High Schools in Bengkulu recruited a sample of 19 students from the 12th grade. The Likert scale was used to do a quantitative analysis of it. The study's findings indicated that most students had a favorable opinion of using the TikTok application to help them learn how to speak. They had positive feelings about Tiktok. They thought of tiktok as an engaging, fascinating, inspiring, and enjoyable learning tool. Based on how the students felt utilizing TikTok affected them, TikTok was the ideal learning tool for them. Additionally, Tiktok had an impact on the students' utilization of a variety of features and tools in an application for digital storytelling. It demonstrated that the pupils gave the learning process more consideration. Based on the findings, the researchers fervently advised teachers to start using Tiktok to learn English, especially for speaking

    Integrating Politeness Principles and Strategies in Counselling Technique: A Phenomenological Study

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    Politeness is an important academic topic. An action must be taken to prevent rudeness. As a result, this study investigates how counseling techniques can modify students' behavior to be more courteous by implementing politeness tactics and concepts. Furthermore, the purpose of this study is to determine why counseling strategies may alter students' perspectives. The research was conducted using a phenomenological study using an observation checklist and interview guideline. The instruments were triangulated for validity. Data collection, data condensation, data display, and conclusion were all used in the data analysis. The findings revealed that Counselling Technique could have an impact on the outcome. The findings revealed that Counselling Technique had the ability to change students' conduct to become more polite. The students used negative politeness methods to consult with the instructors during its execution. Furthermore, students used all of the politeness standards, including the tact principle, generosity principle, modesty principle, approval principle, compassion principle, and agreement principle. In summary, the counseling strategy could be employed to help pupils with their behavioral issuesKeywords: Politeness principles, strategies; counselling technique, Phenomenological stud

    The Effect of Talking Chips Technique Toward the Improvement of Students’ Speaking Achievement at one of the Senior High Schools in Bandung

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    This study investigated how the Talking Chips Technique can help students to improve their speaking. The sample was only one class and  total number of students was 36 students. This study used a time series design and three data collection, i.e. note taking, participant observation, and speaking test. The data from observation were analyzed by using thematic analysis and band score of speaking. This study was conducted by using multiple pre-test and post-test. Therefore, the findings of this study were based on pre- test, treatments and post- test. During the treatments, there were problems related to classroom management (noisy, low participation, laughing), fluency (pause, flow and speed) and accuracy (pronunciation, grammar and vocabulary). Those problems could be minimized. After post-test, there were still problems, but the problems were fewer than previous ones like only fluency and accuracy because students had showed the awareness and enthusiasm in speaking English. This study showed the improvement of students’ speaking achievement from treatment until posttest. It was proved by the mean score pretest and posttest. In pre-test, the mean score of fluency was 61.1 and 62.81 for accuracy. In post-test, the mean score of fluency was 71.451 and accuracy was 74.69. Then, t- test for fluency was 7.05 and t-test for accuracy was 8.31 with t critical or table was 2.031. It meant that H1 was accepted. There was significance improvement of students’ speaking in terms of fluency and accuracy.  The findings suggest that the students still need further treatments to improve their speaking even though they have achieved the target

    Students’ Strategies in Learning Speaking: Experience of Two Indonesian Schools

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    The present study was an effort to investigate strategies mostly used in learning speaking, which covered direct strategies and indirect strategies. To this end, 60 students from two different high schools in a city in Indonesia, in which 30 students for each school participated this study. In collecting the data, this study used close-ended questionnaires with Strategy Inventory Language Learner (SILL) consisting of 39 items, which were analyzed by using a scoring system. The results of the study showed that students of both schools generally used the same and different learning strategies. The same learning strategies used by the students of both schools were organizing and evaluating learning, referring to metacognitive or indirect strategies. Meanwhile, the different learning strategies used by the students of both schools occurred on five strategies at a medium level. From the six types of learning strategies, as indicated in this study, the most popular learning strategies which were used by students of both schools were organizing and evaluating learning


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    Pengabdian ini dilatarbelakangi oleh para guru di Kabupaten Bengkulu Tengah yang dianggap masih banyak yang kurang tersentuh dengan teknologi dan metode pengajaran bahasa Inggris yang diterapkan masih dianggap monoton. Oleh karena itu perlu diberikan bekal pengetahuan tentang guru yang kreatif dan milenial melalui pelatihan. Adapun tujuan dari kegiatan pengabdian ini adalah untuk melatih dan mewujudkan habituasi pada guru Bahasa Inggris di Kabupaten Bengkulu Tengah agar menjadi guru yang kreatif dan milenial sebagai implementasi dari revolusi industri 4.0. Kreatif tidak hanya pandai menggunakan media, namun juga menerapkan metode atau teknik mengajar bahasa Inggris yang sesuai. Dalam melaksanakan kegiatan ini, metode pengabdian dilakukan dalam bentuk pengajaran dan pelatihan serta evaluasi. Kegiatan pengadian ini terkait dengan Dinas pendidikan di Provinsi Bengkulu dan instansi pendidikan di Kabuapen Bengkulu Tengah khususnya Sekolah Menengah Pertama di Bengkulu Tengah. Dinas pendidikan dan instansi terkait merupakan lembaga yang memiliki visi yang sama dengan tim pelaksana kegiatan pengabdian masyarakat ini yakni mencerdaskan kehidupan Bangsa Indonesia. Kegiatan evaluasi pada pengabdian masyarakat ini terkait semua hal yang terjadi dalam proses pelaksanan kegiatan. Hal ini dimulai dari tahap awal berupa persiapan yang meliputi pengamatan lapangan (pada Sekolah Menengah Pertama di Kabupaten Bengkulu Tengah).


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    The purpose of this study was to determine and explore students' perceptions of the use of ReadTheory in reading comprehension. Quantitative descriptive was used to conduct this research. The researcher used a closed questionnaire using five Likert scales to collect data. In this study 50 students as the sample.Based on the overall results, the researcher can conclude that the students' perception of the use of ReadTheory in reading comprehension of the majority of the subjects showed positive responses, especially on the points related to the use of the platform towards changes in their abilities for the better even though the changes were not too significant. This can be seen from their responses that they will continue to use ReadTheory in the future because they feel that they have received many benefits. Therefore, the researcher can conclude that students' perception of using the ReadTheory platform in reading comprehension tends to be positive because it provides benefits and changes their ability to understand reading texts

    A Comparative Study on Sentence Characters of Research Introductions by Indonesian Authors in Applied Linguistics

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    This article presents the findings of sentence characters in article introductions written by Indonesian authors in Applied Linguistics published in national accredited and international reputable journals. This study aimed to identify sentence characters in article introductions used by Indonesian authors in Applied Linguistics published in national accredited journals and reputable international journals. The method employed in this study was a mixed-method to describe and compare the data. This study’s total number of articles was forty from eight different journals. The results indicated that the average sentence lengths in terms of words number per sentence in the international reputable journals articles were 22.38 words, and those in national accredited journals articles were 21.84 words. Also, the results revealed that the most commonly used sentence pattern in both groups of articles was complex sentences, with 414 sentences in national journals and 378 in international journals. It is followed by simple, compound-complex, and compound sentences. Therefore, it can be concluded that the Indonesian authors from both groups prefer to use long words and use complex sentences more often than the other sentence patterns. Hence, there is no important difference in sentence characters between national accredited and international reputable journals

    Analysis of Cambodian Students' Phonological Errors in Speaking Skills

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    BIPA atau dikenal sebagai Bahasa Indonesia untuk Penutur Asing merupakan sebuah program pembelajaran yang subjeknya adalah pembelajar asing. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk menyelidiki kesulitan pembelajar Kamboja dalam keterampilan berbicara bahasa Indonesia terhadap bunyi atau fonologi. Penelitian kualitatif merupakan metode dalam penelitian ini. Subjek penelitian ini adalah pelajar asal Kamboja. Peneliti menggunakan metode pengumpulan data berupa metode perekaman dan wawancara untuk mendapatkan data yang lengkap. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa terdapat beberapa kesalahan fonologis yang terjadi pada pembelajar BIPA asal Kamboja khususnya dalam keterampilan berbicara, kesalahan pengucapan bunyi vokal dan konsonan, seperti: [e] menjadi [a], [i] menjadi [e], [h] diakhir /tengah menjadi [s], [Ĺ‹] menjadi [Ĺ‹] dan [g], [p] menjadi [b], [r] di akhir menjadi hilang, dan [s] di depan menjadi bunyi [z]. Dengan mengetahui beberapa masalah pelafalan fonologi bahasa Indonesia yang dihadapi oleh pembelajar BIPA asal Kamboja, penelitian ini berharap materi dan pendekatan pengajaran yang tepat dapat disesuaikan untuk mengurangi hambatan yang dapat mengganggu proses pembelajaran bahasa Indonesia


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    This development research aims to develop and produce a learning module to compile an exposition text. Besides, this research and development also aim to describe the process of developing a material learning module, compiling an exposition text with a Project-Based Learning (PJBL) model for grade VIII SMP students, describing the feasibility of the module based on assessment and validation by media experts, material experts, linguists, and student trials. This research is included in the research category utilizing descriptive quantitative. The resulting quantitative data will be converted into qualitative data to describe the feasibility of the product being developed. The results of the research and development of the module show that the module developed is based on Tessmer's development with two main stages, namely the Preliminary stage which consists of the analysis and design stages, the Formative Evolution stage which consists of Self Evaluation, Prototyping, and Export Review. (Expert Test), One-To-One, Small Group, and Field Test. The validity of the learning module is seen based on the validation test, the results of the validation of media experts reach 75%, material experts 90%, and linguists 75% which can be categorized as valid. Based on product testing at the field test stage, the average score of students was 83.00 which could be categorized as good, while the results of the student response questionnaire obtained a score of 96% which could be categorized as very feasible. Based on the validation test, it can be concluded that the developed learning module can be used both in the student learning process independently and in the Indonesian language learning process, especially in the exposition text material of class VIII students in the class
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